Me and my online buddy's will be starting weight watchers to start a new lease on health and life. This will be a place to post a food journal,pictures and recipes we find . All the links here are for all the previous WW plans except the new Points Plus .
Friday, December 31, 2010
Workouts - Week 1
Monday - Jazzercise 1 hour
Tuesday - Nike+ 2 mile walk + Zumba 1 hour
Wednesday - Jazzercise 1 hour
Thursday - Nike+ 2 mile walk + Zumba 1 hour
Friday - Nike+ 2 mile walk
Saturday - Jazzercise 1 hour
All My Ducks in a Row...
So now I'm thinking goals, just not sure what yet..besides losing and then losing some more.
The Day Is Almost Here
Yesterday I played around with my Webcam on my laptop and did a couple of short Videos and finally got the sound working right. The lighting is pretty poor in my craft room, so I may have to move around the house to find the best spot. I set up a YouTube Channel but I have not had time to do anything with it yet, I created it last night right before I went to work. I will work on it today and let you know tomorrow all the details. I have decided I prob need to do a daily video log to keep me honest with my self and to keep this up. I am so very sick of being over weight and I don't want to let my self down this year. Here is what I have decided I will start out using as weight loss tools
1. I will be using the Momentium Weight watchers books.
2. Dotties weight loss zone for support and chat.
3. Dotties Itouch and Ipad app for restaurants
4. To track my food I will use one of these 3 apps on my Itouch and Ipad, not sure which ones better yet.. Sparkspeople, Lose it and MyNetDiary.
5. I will prob try and keep and paper journal of my food intake as well.
6. This blog and YouTube..
Since I wont be doing WW meetings or online I have to find a way to do this on my own and really stick with it. I want a life change, not just a diet.. I will taking body measurements and my weight tomorrow :) Talk to you then, Robin.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Holidays Are So Over
I am so happy the holidays are over that I didn't take pictures this year of blog about it on my personal blog,lol. We just pretended it never happened. I have decided to use last years books I bought on Ebay and do the Momentum plan. I really don't have the money right now to pay for the online Etools or for Meetings the way I thought I would. I really wanted to try the new plan since it looks wonderful but right now I don't have a chose. I am going to use my Sparks account to track my daily food and then post my food intact here as well so we can compare to see what works. I have the Biggest Loser for Wii , Just Dance and my Treadmill that i will use everyday as well. Doesn't look like I will be getting to the gym since moneys is so tight. I will plan on starting on 1/1/11 and like i said I will post my daily food journal here so we can compare :) i'm so excited.
wish you could watch those Videos on Youtube, they are wonderful for inspiration and some friendly faces. Can you watch them on your Blackberry ? We need to add each other to a IM client so we can chat .. or cellphone number to text.. I will DM on Twitter.
I did not get the cam corder for Christmas like I wanted, so I am not sure if you webcam is going to be good enough to do a Youtube, will have to test it out and see. Looking forward to doing this and losing weight . I am even going to take body measurements which I have never done before :)
Robin AKA Hkprettyinpink
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas is over!!
I added all your faves to youtube but my family doesn't haven't cable so I haven't been able to watch more than a few minutes. Have you started a video yet? I was thinking about adding a page to my blog for food journals, still not sure if thats going to work the way I want it to. Trying to compact my ww stuff before I get busy and get lazy lol.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Just Thinking.....
The exercise goal is to hit at least 3 jazzercise classes a week and put a whole lotta miles on my Nike+ which might end up being a lot of mall walking until the weather turns nice again. I'm in no better shape than I was when we started this blog and my goal weight is about 75 pounds away, which if I stick to it is a reasonable goal for a years time. Anyways, I'm in planning mode =)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Lets knock Some Dust Off This Blog
What do you think about the doing the Youtube channel? I have been watching Stacey353 and LeslieIslosing Vlog's on Youtube and feel inspired to at least try and make this happen. We all need a little push to get over the hump of being shy and I think this is just the way to do it. So I'm putting a camcorder on my wish list for Christmas :) let me hear from everyone, I am still on twitter as Hkprettyinpink and I still have my blackberry, or you can email me at .. If noone is following or reading this blog I will just rename it and make it my own :) look forward to speaking with you all soon..
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Started New Job
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Weight in
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My 5th Weigh In
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Friday, August 6, 2010
Its Still Hot
Aka HKprettyinpink , Robin
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
It's Hot
It has been crazy hot here in Oklahoma. Today is 104 and the heat index is like 115.. its just crazy hot out there. I have not done the treadmill since last Thursday!!! even at 6am its to hot in the garage to even try, so superman needs to get on the ball and move the treadmill in the house for me.. I am staying within my calories , drinking tons of water and journal has not been done in 3 days because of the pms..
I have been eating salads, oatmeal,fruits and lean protein. No cheating yet :) the work outs have got to start again because I don't want to gain weight.. maybe I can do the Wi-Fi fit I have :) why I'm I just thinking of this????? Well , thats what I will do... the Wi-fi until I can get my treadmill in the house.
I'm feeling so much better today :) I know I prob re frame from putting all out there about my PMS , but I want this to be honest and true >>> so it is what it is..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
4th Weigh In
I feel bloated and know I'm holding some water weight for sure. Next weeks number should be really good. I only did the treadmill 3 times this week because of PMS and cramps.. I have stayed on track with food and drank a ton of water. I did not food journal for 2 days because PMS had me pretty out of it.
I'm really happy with the progress I'm making and can't wait to loss more :)
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Friday, July 30, 2010
Another Day
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Another Day
Been staying on plan all week, tracking all food and drinking only water!!! I am looking for a 2 pound loss this week for sure..:) talk to you peps later.
AKA Robin HkprettyInpink
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Day
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Monday, July 26, 2010
New Week
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Weight In Day
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Saturday, July 24, 2010
What Is Brewing
I wanted to let you know how my week has been going. After doing some YouTube surfing and research I have found some very useful information. In the past I have used Weight Watchers for loosing weight because it just makes since and works. But I also see how some people can hit a brick wall for weeks and months and never loss a pound. Well I figured out that calorie intake and my sodium intake need to be monitored very closely if I want to succeed . So I am using Sparks People website to track all my food intake, work outs, meal planning . This website is totally free and full of everything I need and then some. They customize a food plan for my needs and I can print off the shopping list and head to walmart! Tells me what food nutrition's I need to eat more or less of and I get a daily progress report of caloric intake and workouts ..I think this site is great for people that want to do the Weight Watchers at home without paying weight watchers . I know I can't afford it and Sparks People website does everything WW website does if not more. I'm really happy its available . They also have a Blackberry App for there program and for all the recipes.I know times are hard and a lot of people just can't budget Weight Watchers program and having this online resource is great .
I have not counted points all week, but have been watching calories,fat, sodium,fiber and carbs. I think doing this will keep me in check with eating healthy food and keep me away from empty calories , which sometimes can happen with Weight Watchers. I may try next week doing the caloric tracker and Points tracker and see how they compare . I beat they end up on the same page :)
Tomorrow will be day 7 on my diet , so I will be posting my picture of the scale :)
I hope all my buddies are still reading the blog and staying healthy. Would love to hear from you all..
A shout out to Brooke, Happy 25th Birthday girl..
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fw: My Weight Today
Sent: Jul 21, 2010 11:42 AM
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile . So I have been on my plan since 7/18/10 and started at 175.8. So Today is 7/21/10 and Im at 173.2. Not to bad for a couple days. I have been on the treadmill everyday for at least 15 to 20 minutes. I plan on trying everyday to do more time until I can do like 45 minutes.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Finding Inspiration
I went over to . she has a really great, relaxing down home blog and I thought I would see who see is inspired by. Well I came along I have been reading this blog for the past couple hours and all I can say is I am moved to loss weight and stay on track. It's a very open and real blog about the struggles we all have with weight, life issues and some great humor. I think it is really important to find inspiration from were ever you need it, for those days when you feel like it's all just to hard. I have never had a problem with being on a diet or losing weight. This is the biggest I have been in my life without being pregnant and for some reason I just can't or won't loss the fat. It's time to stop being a baby , pull up my shorts and get my ass in gear!!! no more excuses to myself. I want to lower my massive high blood pressure and this is the only way to do it. So today is the first day of my program. I am going to do Weight Watchers and some really good calorie counting and sodium tracking. I found a great website called Sparks people that has a free online and a Blackberry App for tracking food and calories. So I will be using this along with writing everything down the old fashioned way. I seem to be a person that has to have things hand written and on the computer? Have no clue way, but I just tick that way, lol.
Well I'm off here to go fix break fest and get my grocery list ready... ;) super excited.. talk to you soon .
Robin AKA HKprettyinpink
Sunday, July 18, 2010
How Time Passes
Lets see what I can do if I really work hard on weight watchers. I want to be a winner too. Robin
Monday, April 12, 2010
Blackberry Girl Back
Robin AKA Hkprettyinpink
Sunday, March 28, 2010
New phone alert
Long time no chat. I went and got a new phone 2 days ago that is not a Blackberry ;( I just felt like I needed to try something new and went for it. I have pics and stuff on my personal blog which you can find on the right hand tool bar of this blog. Its the Prettyinpinkknittykittypalace .. anyway I wanted to leave a note here that you guys can get a hold of me at and I have a google and yahoo chat if you want to add me there too. If you send me a email I will give you my screen name for the google and yahoo. I would love to stay in touch with everyone so give me a shout please.. I sure do miss my buddies on the blackberry messenger and I hope i talk with everyone really soon.
Robin, aka hkprettyinpink :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I did it!
We've all been quiet over here on the blog and in the chat over on BBM. I hope all of you are still continuing on your journey.
I'm proof it's possible. A little over a year ago, I was 327lbs and quite miserable. But, here I am now 100lbs lighter and all because I decided one cold February day that I was going to change my life. And I did it.
You guys can do it too. So let's get out butts in gear ladies! Let's get back to chatting and finding support in one another.
Loves to you all!!
A Long Winter
Boy it really has been quiet in our little group here so I wanted to come check in and see what everyone is up to these days. I have been off and on plan for about a month now and seem to be getting back on track and losing a couple pounds, nothing to start jumping up and down about :) I got off track because of alot of reasons, and it is really hard for me to say that since I am the one that started this group and wanted to start a place where we all could come and get on board to loss the weight and keep it off. I know alot of people fall off the road to weight loss and get back on, so that is what I am doing. I have a new chapter of my life to open up to me on Monday with a job interview and I see that as a sign to get back on board with my journey. I really would love to see you girls post more here on the blog and on our Blackberry messenger group so that we can work together and give support. I really miss chatting with everyone :) we can do it. let me hear from you.
Robin AKA HKprettyinpink
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My weight now?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile, Robin AKA HkprettyInPink
Weigh In Day
1/4/10 = 173.5
1/26/10= 165.5
2/2/10= 169
HKprettyinpink , aka Robin
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Muddling through....
Life is kinda intense right now and even though I just picked up Winning by Losing, I'm seriously wondering when I will have time to read it. Anyways....I am still reading blogs like crazy and wanted to share a few gems with everyone.
Jack is always inspiring and motivating in his own way. Sorry, Carrie Underwood
I don't watch The Doctors but they just had a show on Weight Loss Secrets Here is a link to the pdf for 52 Ways to Lose Weight All Year Long
Lastly, if you haven't seen Tyler and his amazing progress. Go now!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
25 tips for weight loss!
Here's the important stuff from the article!
Take a look at our 25 tips below for eating healthfully, fitting exercise into your busy day and revamping your daily routine. Start by picking five changes that you're sure you can tackle and practice them this week. Then try another five next week.
Not every idea is right for everyone, so experiment and see what works for you. Lots of little changes can yield big weight-loss results-and a healthier new you!
1. Good things come in small packages.
Here's a trick for staying satisfied without consuming large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are
2. Get "water-wise."
Make a habit of reaching for a glass of water instead of a high-fat snack. It will help your overall health as well as your waistline. So drink up! Add some zest to your six to eight glasses a day with a twist of lemon or lime.
3. Herb it up.
Stock up your spice rack, and start growing a small herb garden in your kitchen window. Spices and herbs add fantastic flavor to foods without adding fat or calories.
4. Slim down your soup.
Make a big batch of soup and refrigerate it before you eat it. As it cools, the fat will rise to the top and can be skimmed off the surface.
5. Doggie-bag that dinner.
At restaurants that you know serve large portions, ask the waiter to put half of your main course in a take-home box before bringing it to your table. Putting the food away before you start your meal will help you practice portion control.
6. Listen to your cravings.
If you're craving something sweet, eat something sweet-just opt for a healthier nosh (like fruit) instead of a high-calorie one like ice cream. The same goes for crunchy cravings-for example, try air-popped popcorn instead of high-fat chips. It's just smart substitution!
7. Ease your way into produce.
If you're new to eating lots of fruits and vegetables, start slowly. Just add them to the foods you already enjoy. Pile salad veggies into your sandwiches, or add fruit to your cereal.
8. Look for high-fat hints.
Want an easy way to identify high-calorie meals? Keep an eye out for these words: au gratin, parmigiana, tempura, alfredo, creamy and carbonara, and enjoy them in moderation.
9. Don't multi-task while you eat.
If you're working, reading or watching TV while you eat, you won't be paying attention to what's going into your mouth-and you won't be enjoying every bite. Today, every time you have a meal, sit down. Chew slowly and pay attention to flavors and textures. You'll enjoy your food more and eat less.
10. Taste something new.
Broaden your food repertoire-you may find you like more healthy foods than you knew. Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had plantain, pak choi, starfruit or papaya?).
11. Leave something on your plate at every meal.
One bite of bagel, half your sandwich, the bun from your burger. See if you still feel satisfied eating just a bit less.
12. Get to know your portion sizes.
It's easy to underestimate how much you're eating. Today, don't just estimate things-make sure. Ask how much is in a serving, read the fine print on labels, measure your food. And learn portion equivalents: One serving of pasta, for instance, should be around the size of a tennis ball.
13. Don't give up dips.
If you love creamy dips and sauces, don't cut them out of your food plan completely. Just use low-fat soft cheese and mayo instead of the full fat stuff.
14. Make a healthy substitution.
Learn to swap healthier foods for their less-healthy counterparts. Today, find a substitution that works for you: Use skim or low-fat milk instead of whole milk; try whole-wheat bread instead of white.
15. Bring lunch to work tomorrow.
Packing lunch will help you control your portion sizes. It also provides a good alternative to restaurants and takeaways, where making healthy choices every day can be challenging (not to mention expensive).
16. Have some dessert.
You don't have to deny yourself all the time. Have a treat that brings you pleasure, but this time enjoy it guilt-free be-sure you're practicing portion control, and compensate for your indulgence by exercising a little more or by skipping your afternoon snack.
17. Ask for what you need.
Tell your mother-in-law you don't want seconds. Ask your other half to stop bringing you chocolates. Speak up for the place with great salads when your co-workers are picking a restaurant for lunch. Whatever you need to do to succeed at weight loss, ask for it-make yourself a priority and assert yourself.
18. Improve your treadmill technique.
When walking on a treadmill, don't grip the rails. It's fine to touch them for balance, but you shouldn't have to hold on. If you do, that might be a signal you should lower the intensity level.
19. Simon says... get fit.
Here's an easy way to fit in exercise with your kids: Buy a set of 1 lb weights and play a round of Simon Says-you do it with the weights, they do it without. They'll love it!
20. Make the most of your walks.
If your walking routine has become too easy, increase your effort by finding hills. Just be sure to tackle them at the beginning of your walk, when you have energy to spare.
21. Shop 'til you drop...pounds!
Add a workout to your shopping sessions by walking around the mall before your start spending. And try walking up the escalator-getting to your destination faster will be an added bonus.
22. Walk an extra 100 steps at work.
Adding even a little extra exercise to your daily routine can boost your weight loss. Today, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or stroll down the hall to talk to a co-worker instead of sending an email or calling.
23. Brush your teeth after every meal and snack.
This will be a signal to your mouth-and your mind-that it's time to stop eating. Brushing will also give your mouth a nice fresh taste that you'll be disinclined to ruin with a random chip. At work, keep a toothbrush with a cover and toothpaste in your desk drawer.
24. Clean your closet.
First, it's great exercise. Second, it's an important step in changing your attitude. Get rid of all the clothes that make you look or feel bad. Throw out anything that's too big-don't give yourself the option of ever fitting into those clothes again. Move the smaller clothes up to the front to help motivate you. Soon, you'll be fitting into those too-tight jeans you couldn't bear to part with.
25. Take your measurements.
You might not like your stats now, but you'll be glad you wrote them down when you see how many inches you've lost. It's also another way to measure your success, instead of just looking at the scale. Sometimes even when the numbers on the scale aren't going down, the measurements on your body are.
Week 3 weigh in!
I did horribly when my cousin was in town. We ate out every night and went out on the town on saturday. I had my fair share of alcohol and then some. Ugh.
This week I'm all about getting back on track. I need to really buckle down and do this program the right way. I know it works!
So here's to a new week!
Current weight: 244lbs. :(
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Were I'm At
1/4/10 = 173.5
So I have lost 8 pounds :) I'm really happy that I am keeping up with the food journal and starting to work out. Its not much of a work out just because I'm taking it slow because of high blood pressure,but I will get were I want to be very soon. I can't wait to see everyones results of your hard work..
Robin, AKA hkprettyinpink
Robin's weigh in
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Monday, January 18, 2010
"Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can
and the Wisdom to know the difference."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Slowly getting back in gear...
I bought a book last night called Change your Food, Change your Mood and bought some vitamins. So far it's pretty interesting. I bought some little packets of almonds at Trader Joes (200 cal) that I plan to keep with me at school for snacking - a little high in points though, not so sure if I should have those but if I mix them with fresh fruit and keep lunches "light" I should do ok. I need to start making wraps for lunch at school for 3 pts and not resort to a quick taco salad which I am sure could easily exceed 8 points, its just not smart. I am also going to focus on not eating after dinner at all, just keep it to water and hot tea. That's one of my biggest challenges & where I think I get into the most trouble.
I need to develop some more hobbies, yet I know studying will keep me busy until the middle of March. After that maybe focusing on hobbies & taking one class will be a good mix. Sometimes just juggling school & the kids can be stressful...I just need to learn to deal with it in a healthy way and not overeat.
Some ideas on dealing with stress:
- Take a short walk with the dog.
- Go to the gym and do 30 min on the elipitical
- Take a bath
- Go to bed early
- Find time for fun :) - play cards with the girls, play with the dog, listen to music.
Any other ideas on dealing with stress in a healthy way???
Please share your ideas and thoughts...How are all of you doing??? Roll Call?????
Good Morning and Happy Friday
Julie (in Oregon)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Robin's Food Journal today
Lunch: Smart One Three Cheese Mac =6 points
snack: spiced tea with suger free creamer= 4 points
Dinner: Chicken breast on whole wheat with lettuce and pickle and spicy mustard.=10 points
I bought The Biggest Loser for the Wii today and did the warm up and it kicked my butt! Hope to do more tomorrow.
I have almost drank all my required water. No Milk for today and I will take my Vitamin tonight before bed.
I really want to kick the work outs this week into high gear to make sure I keep losing weight and a nice pace ;) I can tell you I am sore from the warm up, thats so sad to
How is everyone doing on their plans? love to hear from you guys.. what your eating and what kind of work outs your doing.. have a great week all.
Robin , Aka HKprettyinpink
Att itude is Everything
I turned on Lady Gaga on my itunes computer...she's kind of crazy but her music is lifting my spirits a little already! What do your do to lift your moods? For me weight gain seems to follow those feelings of I have to fight this, I have to begin again to appreciate each day and make the most of my life.
What uplifting music do love?
What do you do to lift your spirits?
I was just reading about the earthquake in Haiti - I think a prayer would do me some good as well!
Enjoy your day. Smile. Give someone a big hug today.
Off to the orthodontist with my youngest.
Eat healthy!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Weekly WI
I'm really hoping I'm not hitting a plateau. Not this close to hitting 100lbs lost. That would suck.
All I can do is continue to stay on plan. Later this week, my mom, sister, and I are supposed to be getting Y-passes. So, that should be nice. I don't work out near as much as I should!!
Well good luck this week ladies! Skinny vibes to all! <3
Week 2
I am not going to wiegh my self daily this week. when I get on the Wii I will not do the body test just the exercise section.
I hope that everyone has better results than I did week one.
YEA Robin for the for the 6 lbs lost.
Sharon aka Wyfie4eva
Today I'm at school from 8 am to 1 pm but plan to get out to do a 3 mile loop by 2pm...that's my plan :)
What's will you do?
:) :):) :) :):) Weigh In Day For Robin

Glitter Graphics
Monday, January 11, 2010
I was aiming high this week, but since it is the first week I really didn't consider my 3 pound goal an impossibility. So I'm just hugely depressed about the whole thing and have somehow not taken out my frustration with chocolate and french fries.
I promise to stop whining about it.....tomorrow. I'm getting ready to try out FatSecret on the iTouch.
Robin's Food for 1/11/10
Total Calories: 1010 | |||||||||
This is some of what I ate This is exactly what I ate |
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![]() Choose from My Recent Breakfast Items:
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![]() Choose from My Recent Lunch Items:
What's Up or Down
Wanted to drop in and spill a little bit. Well I have to confess I have not walked, play the Wii fit all week like I said I would! Aunt Flow come a calling and she is killing me, hence the reason for not wanting to move. I really hope in the next day or so I can get my fat ass on the treadmill and start walking because just the watching what I eat is not going to cut it. I have done great all week with staying within my points :) thats a big plus. Tomorrow is weigh in day but I'm pretty worried the scale will not move because of Aunt Flow and her stupid water weight game we have going on.But thats ok, because I know I have been working the plan :) and really trying hard to eat very healthy. I did get a scale so I have been weighing my food and I use measuring cups for food portions. In fact I am becoming OCD with it. I also have cut out all sugar and next is the evil white processed flours and such. It will be a whole wheat or i'm not eating it. As I write I am cooking a 14lbs turkey i;m going to cut up and freeze the meat for when I need it, well of coarse the family will want some tonight,but im using the meat for my WW meals. I am really trying to be prepared with my meals and it really working. making two shopping lists, one for me and one for my super skinny family. Freezing food,meal menus a day in advance helps alot. and fat free popcorn is a god send :) I eat it if I am running out the door in a hurry and have not had lunch. Let me hear from everyone here and how you are doing .
Robin, AKA Hkprettyinpink
New Buddy from Oregon...Julie
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Easy Crockpot Chili
- 1 pound lean ground beef
1 cup diced celery
1 28 ounce can crushed tomatoes
1 small can diced green chilies
1/4 cup chopped raw onion
1 can Kidney Beans
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
3 tsp ground Cumin Seed
6 tsp Chili powder
Brown ground beef and drain.
Add all ingredients to crock pot and stir. Set on HIGH for 2 hours or LOW for 4 hours so the spices have a chance to really stew.
Serve hot with cheese if you would like.
Weight Watchers: 3 Points
Number of Servings: 8
Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user SCRAPPYMOMMY.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
HG's Too Ez Mac-n-Cheese
1 package Green Giant Family Size Cauliflower & Three Cheese Sauce (freezer aisle)
2 cups uncooked Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Blend Rotini Pasta (or another whole-wheat or whole-wheat-blend pasta)
3 wedges The Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss cheese
Optional: salt and black pepper, to taste
Directions: Prepare pasta according to the instructions on the box, and then drain well and set aside. While pasta is cooking, place contents of the cauliflower & sauce package in a large microwave-safe bowl. Cover and microwave for 12 - 16 minutes, until sauce has melted and cauliflower is hot.
Once the bowl is cool enough to handle, remove it from the microwave and add cooked pasta. Set aside. Unwrap cheese wedges and place in a small microwave-safe dish. Microwave for 30 seconds.
Stir until smooth, and then add to the bowl. Mix thoroughly, ensuring that the Laughing Cow cheese is evenly distributed and the pasta and cauliflower are coated in cheese sauce. If you like, season to taste with salt and pepper. Enjoy!
Serving Size: 1 cup Calories: 202 Fat: 4.5g Sodium: 825mg Carbs: 36g Fiber: 5g Sugars: 6g Protein: 8.5g
Yummy Snickerdoodles
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
- In a medium bowl beat butter for 30 seconds. Add sugar, baking soda, and cream of tartar. Beat until combined. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add flour.
- Cover and chill dough for 30-60 minutes
- Preheat oven to 375. Combine sugar and cinnamon.Shape dough into 1 inch balls and roll in sugar-cinnamon mixture. Bake 9-11 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet.
Makes 36 cookies
WW Points: 1.5 per cookie
*Diet 2009*
Link Love Thursday
GottagetShrunk made awesome progress in just a year. You must look at her progress pics on the side bar. She looks amazing!
RecipeGirl is heading up a Ten in 10 Challenge and posted this WW friendly Chocolate Cake. It looks delicious.
Jackfit has lost a lot of pounds and looks great! You hafta read his milestone rewards....too funny.
GetInTheHotSpot isn't about weight it's about life. Great post on 33 Things life's too short for
Get your January Motivational Calendar at thewwchick.
Lastly, I moved my daily journal to a blog here
keep on keeping on
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Motivational Things for Weight Loss
1) I deserve this!
2) I can do this and I will do this!
3) If I give up, I'm only letting myself down
4) I can lose the weight!
5) I want to be healthy
6) If I keep up with this, I'll be happier in the long run
7) I will track everything I eat
8) Fast food is NOT the answer
9) If I'm not hungry, I shouldn't be eating
10) I will NOT give up!!
There's my list! :o)
Also I forgot to post my starting weight yesterday!
Starting Weight: 242lbs
Weight Tracker
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
First Weigh In
Day 1 - 185lbs
I did about 30 minutes of Boxing on the Wii Fit and I am Exhausted. Maybe on my days off work I just need to space it out do 15 min here and 15 min there and another 15 min somewhere else. I don't want to lose the desire to work out on it by overdoing it.
I am excited about this journey I am taking with all you Ladies. I look forward to seeing your success more so I think than my own. I love seeing people succeed. Have a Blessed Day!
May GOD give us each the stength to with stand the pressures of Life that cause us to loose the desire and will power to become healthier women. May HE stand by each one of us and help us through this journey we are undertaking together. May HE bless us this week with all our goals for the week not just in our weight loss journey but in all areas of our lives.
In JESUS name I pray AMEN.
My Weight In
Well I weigh this morning and the scale said 171.5 for my official number for the first day of our journey . I am really excited to finally start on the Weight Watcher road. We will be doing weekly weigh ins every Tuesday so come on ladies and step on those scales :) its a wonderful day in the with WW world.
Robin, AKA hkprettyinpink
Monday, January 4, 2010
What a shock I had
So I am starting this journey with a starting weight of 173.5 ...... Ready to see my old body.
Robin, AKA hkprettyinpink
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Menu Plans
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Just wanted to Introduce my self. I am Wyfie4eva on BB however my Name is Sharon. I am 37 years young and I have been overweight my whole life. I am Happily married to a wonderful man who loves me just as I am and we have a 12 yr old son who also loves me just as I am. In 2008 I weighed 220 and made the decision to really try and loose weight. I lost weight however I didn't really do much. I went from drinking a lot of regular soda to a lot of diet soda, the caffeine helps the migraines I get. I actually went down to 185lbs just by switching. WOW that's like 35lbs right? Well I am slowly gaining back, my scale says 188lbs, My Wii Fit says 183lbs however the last time I went to the Dr. the scale said 192lbs so....guess what I'm still not healthy which ever weight is correct.
Thought I had sleep apnea so went to a sleep specialist and found out I don't have sleep apnea, I actually have Restless leg Syndrome and that I am not using but 80% of my lung capacity. The weight I carry is all in my stomach, kinda look like I'm pregnant, I'm not :(. Dr said my fat is pushing up on my lungs and making it hard for me to breathe esp at night. Which is why I have trouble sleeping.
All that said I need to loose about 30lbs, however I would like to loose between 40lbs and 50lbs. which would put me some where between 130lbs and 140lbs.
For the last 3 years I have had a job where I walk a lot sometimes up to 20 miles a day think my average is 10 miles a day though when I work. So I have been getting excercise all along just think my eating habits aren't what they should be. I also due to my sleeping problems have no desire no energy to do any exercising other than what I do at work.
My son got a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I've been on it every day this past week. Some days I do more than others however I am going to get rid of this weight so I can be heathier for my family.
Weight Watchers Recipe Calculator
Favorite recipes!
Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse
1 can pure pumpkin
2 cups skim milk
2 packages fat free, sugar free cheesecake pudding mix
1 small tub fat free cool whip
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Mix milk and pudding together, let set up a bit. Add rest of ingredients and refrigerate.
5 Can Soup
1 can creamed corn
1 can minestrone soup
1 can mixed vegetables (drained)
1 can rotel
1 can ranch style beans (drained)
Combine all cans together in big bowl. You may cook now or keep it in the fridge and warm up each time you want it.
Chocolate Muffins
1 box sugar free devil's food cake mix
1 can pure pumpkin
Add pumpkin to cake mix. DO NOT ADD ANY INGREDIENTS LISTED ON BOX!! The mix will be really thick, this is okay. Fill a papercup lined muffin pan with mix. Cook according to box.
Slow Cooker Fiesta Chicken
2-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut up into 1" chunks (if they're large I use two)
12oz jar salsa
1 can black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 small can of mexicorn
Add all ingredient, except corn into a crockpot. Cook on low for 8hrs or high for 4hrs. Add the corn during the last hour of cooking. Enjoy by itself or in a tortilla topped with light sour cream and cheese.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
The Wendie plan
The Wendi plan is something that I learned about from girls at Weight Watchers meetings many years ago and found it to really work when I had stopped lossing weight. I shows how you need to eat a little more sometimes to get your body to burn fat. Let me know what you think about this plan.
Robin , AKA Hkprettyinpink
Weight Watchers Daily Point Value
less than 150 pounds- 20 Points per day
150-174- 22 Points
175-199- 24 Points
200-224- 26 Points
225-249- 28 Points
250-274- 30 Points
275-299- 31 Points
300-324- 32 Points
325-349- 33 Points
350+ 34 Points
(Adjust your points as you loose weight)
Chris had posted how to calculate your daily points on a previous post which is fantastic because I always love to know how things work. I ran across this information in my old WW books and wanted to post it for anyone that needed it. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Robin, aka Hkprettyinpink
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Almost Time
Well I went online and bought my 2010 WW books at 4am this morning , so I am hoping they will be here by our start date of Jan 5,2010. I also decided I will go ahead and sign up for the online and may pay per use to go to a couple meetings just to see what it is like. I think I should really try all my options at this point Just to make sure I have all the tools I need.
I have bought a new journal to write down my food,points,grocery list,food menus to put in my knitting bag . I know that my kit will come with the Journal but I always have to have a back up , in case I forget one at home . I'm still looking for a food scale and may have to go into the mall to a cooking store to find one I like. Is anyone else using a food scale for portions? I'm so excited that we all our doing this together and encourage everyone to put of helpful links if you find them. We all need any help we can get. I will be putting stuff on my personal blog too if you want to check there also. It is
Sitting here the other day I was thinking about my rewards system for myself for my weight loss. And I have decided that it will be a new charm for my Brighton Bracelet that my honey got me for mothers day this year. it will be a visual reminder of my hard work.
well I'm off to clean house and wait for my parents to get here . Talk to you ladies later.
Robin, aka Hkprettyinpink ;)